Are companies pursuing their#sustainabilitygoals despite the increasing energy prices and the economic difficulties ahead of us?
That was one of the main questions at the International Stainless & Special Steel Conference 2022.
The good news is: YES!
Companies keep pushing these topics irrespective of changing economic environments!
Thanks for a very inspiring and interesting discussion:
Markus Moll, SMR Group - Steel Metals Market Intelligence, Managing Director, Antonio Gayo Piriz, Corporate Strategy Director, ACERINOX,S.A.,Carlo Morettin, Chief Sustainability Officer Aperam,Belgium ,Philip Torger, Business Development Manager, Böllinghaus Steel GmbH, Germany, Paul Vanvuchelen, Director Customer Solutions ,OMP Belgium, Bernhard Voraberger, Head of Technology Converter Steel making Austria,Stefan Grüll, Co-Founder and CEO,S1SEVEN | digital material certificates GmbH, Austria